Chickadees, Caterpillars, and Oaks, Oh My!
Animated Video

Caterpillars!  It’s what's for dinner!

Caterpillars are important because they are the primary food source for nestlings of 96 percent of all bird species.

This new animated video, Chickadees, Caterpillars, and Oaks, Oh My!, highlights just one of the many reasons to Celebrate Virginia’s native trees.

Trees provide essential habitats for pollinators - especially butterflies and moths, birds and mammals.

Just as the Oak spreads its limbs and shelters wildlife, help us spread the video and its important message far and wide! 

Plant an Oak!

Restoring oaks to suburbia goes a long way to improving wildlife habitat and biodiversity.

In addition to all they supply for mammals and birds, no other plant genus supports more species of moths and butterflies than Quercus. The mighty White Oak - Quercus Alba - supports over 520 species! These moth and butterfly caterpillars are essential food to raise a nest of hungry chicks. The Chickadee needs to collect over 9,000 caterpillars to feed its chicks before they fledge.

Most oaks fall into two taxonomic groups: the white oak group and the red oak group. They all provide lovely fall color. Although all oaks will do well in rich, well-drained soil, swamp white oaks will tolerate moist soils, while scarlet oaks and white oaks will tolerate thin, dry soils.

There is an oak for every sized yard. Some oaks grow to be large trees with spreading limbs when grown in full sun. A mature White Oak can spread wider than it is tall!

Renowned entomologist, environmentalist, and best-selling author Doug Tallamy discusses why "keystone" species are crucial to any ecosystem and why oak trees spectacularly fill that niche in so many places.

Benefits of Virginia’s Native Trees and Shrubs

As you plan a new development or improvements on your land, consider these economic, water quality and aesthetic benefits of protecting native trees and shrubs.

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